HI5 Governance

HI5 Governance

Knowledge. Skills. Competencies.

Deepening knowledge and understanding policy, advocacy, and diplomacy in complex ecosystems.

Geneva Summer Schools

Global Health: Advocacy and Diplomacy in Action

30 June – 4 July 2025 at the University of Geneva

From tactics to politics, from asks to outcomes, getting what you want in multilateral dialogues is both science and art. Our trainings provide understanding, knowledge, and skills to further your professional development in the international space. We offer insights into governance processes connecting global institutions with local realities. We create an understanding of complex policy and organizational processes, and the role power and politics plays in decision-making. We promote leadership skills and competencies that allow to better navigate organizational dynamics, build relations across political ecosystems, and negotiate in international settings. We create a space for discussion, reflection, and peer exchange to learn and grow together.

Our trainings and workshops are facilitated in different formats – online, hybrid and in-person – but always with an interactive, participatory methodology to ensure a unique learning experience. We have a track record in conceptualizing, coordinating, facilitating, and teaching executive leadership trainings focusing on policy, advocacy, and diplomacy for representative of governments, international organizations, NGOs, and the private sector. We are happy to support your team-building efforts and ensure that every voice is heard.

The following five sessions are a selection of available in-house training sessions, but we offer also tailor-made trainings and workshops beyond the listed topics.


Navigating and acting within a multilateral and plurilateral environment

This training canvasses key concepts in policymaking, shaping, and influencing. It provides essential background for navigating and acting within a rapidly changing multilateral and plurilateral policy and political environment.


Taking on the roles of member states and stakeholders

From knowledge to practice. In this session, model negotiations based on scenarios of complex political discussions illustrate various aspects of negotiations and participants take on the roles of member states and various stakeholders.


Getting decision-makers to prioritize action aligning with your agenda

This training focuses on strategic influencing, covering the skills, competencies, and practicalities of advocacy work. It highlights the “Do’s and Don’ts” of advocacy and includes authentic advocacy examples bringing in guest speakers to share their experiences, backstories and lessons learned as a learning tool.


Turning information into content that directly supports policy outcomes

This training helps participants turn information into content that directly supports advocacy and policy outcomes. Topics covered include tight and logical writing styles, contextual framing, producing effective advocacy briefs, resolution drafting or amendment suggestions, strategic social media messages and short speeches and interventions.


Deep diving into topics that require collective solutions

This training illustrates the complexity of the interrelationships in international ecosystems, where history, strategic relationships, geopolitics, and differing priorities jostle with the existing and emerging issues at the top of mind of decision makers. This training will deep dive into different topics that require collective solutions among different actors.


Deepening understanding of issues management

This training is designed to show the wisdom of risk assessment and remediation in organizations, the experiences of delayed or failed interventions, and

successful prevention and preparation. It discusses useful frameworks for assessing organisational risk and introduces  measures to address reputational risks and avoid or mitigate potential organizational damage.

Contact us to further discuss
your needs to receive a customized offer.